Facet Arthropathy, Lumbago
Hip And Sacroiliac Joint Pain
If you have tried other treatments but your pain persists, or returns, your healing process might be stalled and need a 'boost'. Steroids reduce inflammation but can delay healing. You can try PRP or other injectables guided by x-ray imaging to try and affect healing. OR you can try a painless therapy that is FDA approved to treat inflammation and heal tissue.
You get out of bed or stand up out of a chair after sitting for awhile and you feel 'old'. Pain in your back can come swiftly and sharp, taking your breath away. Sound familiar?
Radial Pressure Wave Therapy produces a sound wave, focused into your body, at a specific frequency and intensity to stimulate new blood vessel growth, cellular regeneration, and a trigger of the healing part of your immune response. Conditions where the healing has slowed, chronic pain that has lasted a few months, and inflammation and swelling that has not resolved, are perfect for Radial Pressure Wave Therapy (R-PWT) as a treatment option.
Long term effectiveness of R-PWT is excellent as it stimulates regeneration of tissue and healing, compared to therapies that temporarily reduce pain and inflammation.
Here are what patients are saying about SWT.
The Cornerstone Physical Therapy Doctors start with an evaluation to get a baseline of your pain and function. This may include a Diagnostic Ultrasound to check your injured area for tendon or joint damage, inflammation and swelling, and depth of the treatment area, to plan a successful Shockwave Therapy treatment series.
The cost of the evaluation is $100. Click the link below and our team will reach out to you!